7 Resilient Flowers for Your Backyard or Balcony Garden
Nothing adds a splash of life and colour to your outdoor living space quite like planting flowers and foliage. Yet, with our beautiful province’s harsh winters and unpredictable summers, choosing proven winners is essential.
Cacti aren’t the only plant capable of withstanding extreme weather conditions as well as gardener neglect! Plan your garden carefully and select plants that will not only survive but thrive in your backyard. Here are a few easy-to-grow candidates.

Lupins are Resilient Flowers for cold winters
In addition to easily withstanding cold winters, lupins are nitrogen fixers and therefore a soil-improving plant. Its bloom-laden spikes in various shades ranging from blue to pink are a feast for the eyes and a wonderful addition to any flowerbed. With such a name and such striking blooms, take care that your lupins don’t get stolen by a famous jewel thief!
Echinacea Purpurea
The purple coneflower is not only beautiful with its large pinkish blooms and prickly centre, but it’s also incredibly hardy. This perennial can come through Québec winters just fine.
Here’s another classic and one of the 7 resilient flowers that seems to have been made for Québec gardens. The daisy is very low maintenance and can take whatever Mother Nature throws at it, including strong winds and long periods of frigid weather. Its white and yellow blooms will give a touch of freshness and simplicity to your backyard.

This is a flowering plant adapted to a wide range of soils and very tolerant regarding weather conditions. Its common name, the daylily, suggests that its blooms are fleeting. False! On the contrary, it blossoms abundantly and extensively throughout the summer months, brightening up your garden with its dazzling colours.
This perennial plant is most at home in shade and damp soil; it will therefore effortlessly cope with those areas around the yard that receive little sunshine. Moreover, its plumes of flowers come in a variety of shades ranging from white to red and will add textural interest to your garden.
The iris is another resilient flower that can survive our province’s severe climate. Its elegant flowers and dark green foliage are quite eye-catching. Irises come in a rainbow of colours, so use them to integrate a greater mix of hues to your container garden, for example.

With its typically yellow petals and brown centre, this flowering plant, also commonly called black-eyed Susans, is sure to give your landscaping that little extra something. It can be grown directly in the ground or in a container. This winter-hardy plant is likewise heat-tolerant, making it a perfect choice for Québec gardeners! Plus, it attracts bees and butterflies. By growing rudbeckias, you’ll be contributing to biodiversity!
Whether your objective is to support wildlife, add a pop of colour, or simply enjoy the beauty of nature, these flowers are excellent options when it comes to embellishing your home’s exterior. Happy gardening… no matter what colour your thumbs are!